
Monday, September 28, 2009

A day in the city

I went to the city today to run some errands with my bf. We got some food and just went home right after, it was a really fast day until he had to leaveee. I think I'm coming down with some sniffles. I have allergies, they irritate my pretty nose lol


It was sooo good, first time I ever tasted it. My boyfriend took me to this small restaurant/store place around East Village in NY. It was really small but the takoyaki made my mouth water. Truthfully, I don't know how it's suppose to taste but it's good! hahaha the inside was really soft, the texture was more on the creamy side rather than cake-y side. I thought it would be more cake-y, I think I would like it even more if it was. Overall, it was gewddd especially with the piece of octopus but of course it would be even better if there were more pieces! I am sooo greedy *ashamefulnesss

My look for today, barely see any makeup. I blame the lighting. I have on neutral colors on the eyes, light blush, and reallyyyy light lipstick. It's like I had nothing on!
Oh, I had my hair cut in the beginning of the month so it's a lot shorter than the default profile pic. I like how its short now, so much easier to manage. Only bad thing --> bed hair!

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